Breed and Personality


In the Brooder
5 Years
Nov 5, 2014
This is my first time owning chickens and I'm wondering what everyone's thoughts were on their breeds and if there is anything special about this breed
The white hen is a White Leghorn. I have 7 of them and they are great egglayers. They lay almost everyday, but it seemed like forever for them to ever start. Mine are very inquisitive and are always bouncing with energy. They take their pecking order very seriously, and will squabble over their food and treats. They are very flighty and don't like to be caught or held. Some will peck me if I hold them. They seem to like to get in trees too. Oh, don't worry if her comb becomes droopy. That is normal for that breed. I'm not sure about the other ones. Hopefully someone else will come along and help with those. Good luck!
I don't know why I didn't notice this yesterday, but I was just looking over the picture again, and I think your grey Rosa Clucks is actually a rooster. See how the tail feathers are longer and sorta curve? That is a trademark of a rooster. Could you get a closer up picture of her/him, so we can see the neck feathers? Do you know how old he/she is?
In the second photo, the white bird with the black tail in the back IS a rooster. I have no idea what breed he is though. The others look to be a white Leghorn and possibly a splash Andalusian :) The splash could be a boy too, or just a pullet with an impressive tail. I see nothing else that indicates male. Is it the same age as the others?
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They were all born on Easter of 2014. And the gray one has stayed pretty much the same size since then, but the other two have grown a lot. I'll Look my pictures and try to find a better picture. Thanks for all the help!

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