Breed and sex?

8 hens
  • 32 square feet in the coop. 4'x8' is approaching the limits for a non-walk-in coop even with the access door in the middle. 6'x6' should be walk-in because even the tallest chicken-keeper won't be able to reach the far wall.
  • 8 feet of roost
  • 80 square feet in the run. 8'x10' is a nice looking number but, remembering the common dimensions of lumber, a roomier 8'x12' is actually easier to build. 6'x14' looks good on paper but would require a lot of weird cuts.
  • 8 square feet of ventilation.
  • 2-3 nest boxes.
Thanks for the math on this. Our run is 9ft x 13ft so we're good on that front. And then I let them out of the run to another area a few times a week to free range a little. The chickens seem to do fine in the run. Some normal pecking order stuff but nothing too intense. But yeah the coop is not nearly big enough apparently and the coop is where we are having an issue so that makes sense.

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