breed? brown egg layer


12 Years
Jan 17, 2010
Wittmann, AZ
Hi everyone! Got this little girl from a neighbor. He said he had gotten a run of females. They are all brown egg layers. Three of them are jersey giants, two straight white ones, and this girl. I just cant place her breed? Any suggestions? Closest I came was maybe a partridge Wyandotte? Her body is all black with a brown in center of feathers underneath.


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yup :) it took me a second had to goto a different computer.
I'm working on a side view too, but son is taking a test on computer now.
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Here is a few pictures of my Gold Lases when they were about the same age as your pullet picture. How does your bird compare to these in color and feather pattern? I hope yours is a gold Lased, although they are scruffy looking as young pullets.

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