Breed crossing?

Update, I've bred him with every hen in my flock and every single chick he has looks exactly like him. No physical relations to any of their mothers. I've even his daughters that I've crossed with my black Australorp rooster have nothing but carbon copies of him! There was one incident that I accidentally paired him with one of his daughters whose mother was a RIR and the chick I received turned out to look exactly like him except for she had a light tinge of brown on her eyebrows near her comb. I've produced nearly 600 chicks with him and she was the only one who came out slightly different? He's a great producer of extremely disease-resistant laying hens so I keep breeding him (his male to female ratio in insane, beginning of this year I hatched 100 chicks and out of those 100 only 6 of them turned out to be roosters!)

Interestingly enough I decided to pair two of his sons with some of my other breeds of hen and with one I get about half copies and half mixed. With his other son I get nothing but copies!
For sake of science I crossed his son who gets half copies with his daughter that has the slight tinge of brown on her brow and I got nothing but RIR looking birds!
I am in fact planning on retiring him soon though because even with my four other roosters I can't seem to hatch anything but copies of him and I'm worried about the consequences of inbreeding
Update, I've bred him with every hen in my flock and every single chick he has looks exactly like him. No physical relations to any of their mothers. I've even his daughters that I've crossed with my black Australorp rooster have nothing but carbon copies of him! There was one incident that I accidentally paired him with one of his daughters whose mother was a RIR and the chick I received turned out to look exactly like him except for she had a light tinge of brown on her eyebrows near her comb. I've produced nearly 600 chicks with him and she was the only one who came out slightly different? He's a great producer of extremely disease-resistant laying hens so I keep breeding him (his male to female ratio in insane, beginning of this year I hatched 100 chicks and out of those 100 only 6 of them turned out to be roosters!)

Interestingly enough I decided to pair two of his sons with some of my other breeds of hen and with one I get about half copies and half mixed. With his other son I get nothing but copies!
For sake of science I crossed his son who gets half copies with his daughter that has the slight tinge of brown on her brow and I got nothing but RIR looking birds!
Thanks for updating. It is great to hear how this turns out!

To get that many chicks that look like him, I think it's pretty clear that he has a set of dominant genes to cause his appearance. Some chickens carry recessive genes that let some of their chicks look different, but obviously he does not!

(his male to female ratio in insane, beginning of this year I hatched 100 chicks and out of those 100 only 6 of them turned out to be roosters!)
The hen determines the sex of the chick, which makes that even more impressive to me: it sounds like every hen is producing female-heavy chicks this year.

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