Breed help please?! Salmon Faverolle Hen or Roo? 12 week old "Ornamental Layers"


In the Brooder
May 8, 2016
Blairstown, NJ

I have 12 week old chicks from Murray McMurray's ornamental layer collection. I've identified all of them except for this one:

She was all white as a chick, but is now getting more grey/brown. She's also quite a bit larger than the other chicks.

I also have a Salmon Faverolle that I can't tell if it's a hen or a roo:

Thanks in advance!!!
The Faverolle is a pullet, cockerels are black with red wing bars and white hackle & saddle feathers. The other is a White Laced Red Cornish pullet. Not as heavy built as she should be, but this is a typical looking WLR Cornish for McMurray. Its also listed in their "rare breed assortment" list.
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Oh ok! I've never had experience with either breeds :p sorry!!

We have another WL Red Cornish that is much shorter and stockier. They look so different that I never thought they could be the same breed. But I'm finding that many of my chicks aren't meeting the 'breed standards'. Is this usual for chicks from McMurray?
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We have another WL Red Cornish that is much shorter and stockier. They look so different that I never thought they could be the same breed. But I'm finding that many of my chicks aren't meeting the 'breed standards'. Is this usual for chicks from McMurray?
Yes it is, from the birds I've seen over the years most of McMurray's just barely fit into the general guidelines for the breeds. Sometimes they don't fit in at all. I'm afraid to say they seem to focus on quantity than quality more so than some other hatcheries. It could be that the other Cornish you have could be a bantam that you got by mistake.

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