Breed of this pullet please.


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 12, 2014

I got this sweet girl from the Black sex link bin at tractor supply. She was similar to the other BSLs as a chick. But now I wonder if she's a Easter Egger?Any thoughts? She's 14 weeks old.
A photo including the head would help. If a pea comb and blue on legs then it's an Easter Egger which are mixed breed that have blue egg gene.
Wow, no idea what that is. Single comb gold laced something or other. Someone will post an idea soon. What pops to my mind without looking up specifics is Campine? It's just an area of chicken that's not familiar to me. Can't help.
She's a black sex link. I've seen several over the years light colored like this. Not very common but not impossible.
Yup. Just a black sex-link. These are a first generation hybrid produced by covering a barred or cuckoo colored hen with a solid rooster that carried no dominant white, usually a red bird is used. In this combination, because the offspring only inherit the barred gene from the mother, only the male offspring will appear barred, while the female offspring are dominant black. (see the sex link thread for more details). Anyhow, hatcheries make their own proprietary sex-links using different breeds of birds. Usually the female is a barred plymouth rock, and the male is red, but New Hamp, RIR, and production birds are all common. Needless to say, there can be quite a bit of variety in the offspring, depending on which combination of genes are used. The only guarantee is that you will be 100% sure that they are females in the bin at the feed store because males are barred.
I like to use this same formula to make sex-linked olive eggers using a blue copper marans roo over my cream legbar hens. Works the same way.
Thanks y'all. I would be fine either way. She's a welcome addition to my flock!

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