Breed puzzle - help figure out my little roo


5 Years
Aug 7, 2014
Berkeley, CA
I did a hatch from a mixed flock. She came out of a blue egg, so mom was almost certainly an ameraucana, and for the past couple weeks I have just assumed that dad was a RIR because of the bare yellow legs and mixed red plumage. However, as his feathers grow in, he has developed white mottling on his primaries which has be thinking there's a chance dad could have been the mille fleur roo instead who was also very red. Are feathered legs ever NOT passed on?

I did. The egg was blue and my only blue layers are ameraucanas and EE, and the two Roos in the yard were RIR and mille Fleur Duccle bantams.
I did. The egg was blue and my only blue layers are ameraucanas and EE, and the two Roos in the yard were RIR and mille Fleur Duccle bantams.
I am thinking that mom was an EE because your little roo has a single comb. Since single combs are recessive, mom must've been carrying that gene too. I think if the duccle was the father, this little guy would have at least some leg feathering. Most of my crosses with a feather legged parent have had some feathers on the legs. I have also had lots of chickens that had white spotting in the feathers at that age but they grow out to be solid colored. He's a cute little guy. He reminds me of one I have that is about 10 weeks old now. He's a rather goofy mix of orpington, easter egger, and game. Just a couple weeks ago, he looked like he was orange with black and white spots. Now he's just a dark buff.
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Interesting. This was my first hatch so I'm still pretty full of self doubt as well as a healthy dose of wide-eyed wonder. Sounds like my first instinct about this little fella was correct!

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