Breed question


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 30, 2009
Sunny Florida
I bought a dozen Black copper marans chicks from a local breeder. She said they came from eggs that were 6 and 7 on the color scale. They have now matured enough to be laying and 2 of the girls are now laying. I didnt buy them to breed just for eggs but the eggs are very dissapointing and yes........ they are darker than my other chickens brown eggs but nothing like i expected and certainly nothing that would make me go wow about.

Anyhow 2 of the roosters I kept from those have white earlobes. Its not feathers or anything it is definately white earlobes. Now the breeder claims to have nothing else in her breeding pen but the marans so I guess my question is can marans have white earlobes that crop up once in a while or in a specific line or can these be penedescenca or mixes of penedescenca and marans or can white egg layer/marans mix chicks have white earlobes.

The boys look like immature marans roosters so there isnt anything that looks as if they are crossed with anything else but the egg color and the earlobes have me wondering.

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