Breed Recommendations!!

i read that JG do not eat more than other breeds but i'm not sure
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Peaches, if you live out in the country and crowing isn't a problem, go for one of the production egg layers like the RIR and just be sure to get a good rooster or two. He will help you take care of your girls!

The larger breeds are simply not going to be as productive as egg layers as the smaller ones. If they were, I would suggest Brahmas for their cold hardiness and size.
Yes, their feed to egg conversion is not very good. They eat more feed to get to their mature size, and then later they eat more to maintain it. At first I thought they'd be good breed for "giant" eggs, but found (on the internet) that their eggs are no bigger than a hen 2/3 their size.

My experience with RIR has been a great one. They're one of my top favorite breeds. They've never done any egg eating, and never been aggresive. In fact I have one rooster who's almost a pet! I really like Barred Rocks too (they also have good predator coloring). And Sex-Links. And Easter Eggers. These are all really good breeds.
Barred Rocks get my vote
they are VERY winter hardy, I had two start laying in the midst of a snowstorm in Janurary. My Barred Rocks have all been very personable friendly birds, and daily layers just about!

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