breed/sex what do you think? new pics on pg 2


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
SW Ohio
Im guessing by some of the other post, that TSC doesnt always know what they have.
I need some help on a few of mine, I think I know but Im not sure.
Can you help me? thanks



Ill post a few more later
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How old are they? I'm new at this but I think the second one is a BO I'm not sure about the first one. I think the first one is a pullet but not sure about #2, would be better if the picture was from the top so we could see the feathers better.
These are about 6 weeks old. When I got the gold one and I have 7 of them they were tagged as Asst. Reds. The fist pic I got her free along with 3 others.
Including this one: (I was told this one was a welsummer)


Im going to go out and see if I can get some better pics. Its hard when Im trying to do it by myself. lol
Ill post more pics when I get them.

This last one is a 2yo breed? I was thinking NHR? (also bought as Asst. Red)

The first one looks like a GLW female to me, and the second one looks like a buff orp, but I'm not sure about the male/female......
The top one does look Welsumer-ish, I have some that are roughly the same age and they look similar (I have pictures on my BYC page). The one thing that throws me though is that the legs look white rather than yellow. I suppose it could just be the light or something. I might also consider Speckled Sussex, but I'll let someone who knows more of them comment.

legs do look yellow on second one to me

yes black sex-link, i suspect the other is orpington. i am guessing you thought the legs look too yellow, but they look too light for rocks and i would bet that TSC is getting no buff rocks. They really dabble only in the commoner breeds. infact i had a brochure of from them and it didn't list buff rocks.

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