breed/sex what do you think? think leghorn


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 12, 2010
SW Ohio
I think this one is a leghorn?

what about this one? I adopted these 2 from a lady in the city, she didnt know what to do with them once they got big



and one last one, what do you think? breed/sex

sorry for the bad pic, the last one doesn't stay still for long LOL
The first looks like it could either be a white rock or a white leghorn. Once the ear lobes develop you will be able to tell. Rock have red lobes and leghorns white.

Of the next 2 boys, The second is a Red Sexlink Rooster. Not sure what the first boy is, but could be the same.

Is the last a bantam or standard? If bantam it could be a BBRed Old English game pullet.

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The first one could be an amber sex link pullet. Mine were all white until 8 weeks then started getting brown spots on their wings, back, and chest.
thanks everyone.

I was told the first one was a leghorn, I have 8 of them, they are about 12 weeks old now. the thing with the ear lopes will they be white, white or could they have a tint of pink?
just want to make sure what im looking for.

the 2 in the center I got from some lady that got her grandson 3 chickens well they got big and she lived in the city, as in I reach out my window and touch the house beside me, city. so she gave them
away. she of course didnt know what they were.

the bottom one is supposed to be a bantam. did give me breed of bantam though.

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