Breed suggestions for docile roosters?

So, my last two years of chickenkeeping have mostly just been rooster trouble. I currently have a flock of...I think 8 two-year-old hens and 2 pullets. Last year's girls grew up with a Dominique cockerel who was an absolute nightmare and ended up being my first cull earlier this year. This year's girls had a surprise easter egger cockerel who I culled at maybe 4 or 5 months because he was terrorizing my flightiest hen and got increasingly human-aggressive. I want to grow toward keeping a sustainable flock, so I am trying to to figure out the surest way to end up with a rooster who is not abusive to hens or humans, and who will (hopefully) protect from aerial predators.

I've read in a couple of places that having a male chick grow up among adult hens is good, because they don't allow him to run roughshod over them, and indeed, the one hen I had from the previous year was the only girl who my awful Dominique didn't wear the feathers off of. My bright idea for next year is to get a half-dozen male chicks and keep only one to two who are well-behaved. But here are my questions before I move forward:

First, do you think the girls that grew up with that nasty rooster will be tough enough with new cockerels? They certainly boss the new hens around for the most part, but they weren't keeping this year's cockerel in check.
Second, any breed recommendations for a clean-footed, ideally nonwhite and non-crested rooster with a reputation for not being a terror? I was leaning toward Speckled Sussex, possibly Dorking, possibly easter egger, but I'm really curious to hear from others with more experience. I would also consider buying from a particular hatchery known to produce good roos.

I truly appreciate all the insight I always get when I come to BYC with questions, and I'm looking forward to any responses. :p Let me know if you're doing any chick purchasing for next year too!
I'm fairly new to chicken keeping myself, and like you I've had to cull several aggressive roos, both to humans who raised them hand-fed (me and dd) and strangers and most importantly my 18 lovely hens. I've so far culled 1)Rhode Island Red roo -vicious creature!) 2) one Australorp started sweet, got vicious to the hens, 3) gave away one brahma roo for unnecessary hen cruelty. 4) one Americauna roo i think was a cannibal at heart.
This year, I stumbled upon a great flock-daddy. He's a Jersey Giant black. At almost one year old he's not nearly as big as research predicted and is fully grown. My hens are all big Mamas, lol, so i think he's a mini JG, lol, but he's fabulous. Handsome BlackJack. At 6 months he successfully fought off a large hawk. He kills mice as a hobby. He only crows when something is wrong or danger-close and in the a.m. he's a very gentle roo, never had him blood a hen even when they all first started the mating dance. (I bought 13 pairs of different breeds as hatchlings and raised them together)
So He had a brother in that batch who was aiming to be the normal JG size, but a fox ran up and grabbed him from right under my chair one day.
Very sad. Yes. I chased the fox. The fox won. Grrrrr!!!
So, i vote Jersey Giants.
PS. My more experienced chicken keeper local buddy told me the mean brahma roo i had was not normal as they are usually sweet and docile.
I'm taking her at her word and getting another this spring for breeding. (Separate rooster condos for all the boys except BlackJack.)
Hers are certainly very large and very calm and affectionate!
Good luck!
I have a maran x Cochin named Uriah who is the sweetest boy ever. He isn’t a fan of being pet/picked up but he RUNS to follow me wherever I go in the pen. On top of that he’s beautiful and adorable. A good way to find a sweet rooster is to go on Facebook and look for roosters who need homes (that’s how I got Uriah). That way you can visit him and guarantee his manner, and you can give a good rooster a home as opposed to him being culled. A word of advice about buying adult birds—check for disease! He looked otherwise healthy, but I forgot to check thoroughly for mites and I regretted it 😐
Well, I know you said non-white roosters but thought I'd put my two cents in. I bought some California White hens from Tractor Supply but ended up with a rooster, as well. One of the best roosters I've ever had, except for the fact that he's big, but he's not an aggressive rooster, towards the hens or me. Of course, anyone that know's me on here knows how I feel about aggressive roosters, anyway. I just culled two beautiful roosters that I wished someone would of wanted around here, even offered to give them away but no takers. I think they were bred by the Ameraucana rooster I used to have and either one of my Sex Links or Orpington hens. They too were big and non-aggressive. I raise chickens for the eggs, that's my main reason, thus the California Whites and White Leghorns. And I do love incubating them, as well. I love to see the different colors and varieties that come from the mix. The pics I'm attaching are of 19 of 28 eggs or chicks, that hatched out of my incubator, 1 1/2 months ago. Noticed the lil rooster by the water bucket. He looks like a mix between the California White rooster and my Barred Rock. Anyhow, that was my 2 cents. :)


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I know Wyandotte roosters are really sweet, same with buff Orpingtons!
My buff Orpington rooster is a terror! He was raised from a chick with 11 hens but after several months has become aggressive to humans. He also pulls all the feathers off of the girls’ backs. Not happy. I may need to find him another home.
My buff Orpington rooster is a terror! He was raised from a chick with 11 hens but after several months has become aggressive to humans. He also pulls all the feathers off of the girls’ backs. Not happy. I may need to find him another home.
I’m sorry to hear that! I have one and he’s the sweetest boy ever. He’s going to be 2 years old next year!
Cochin, Orpington, silkie, barnevelder (maybe not all of them) NOT rhode island reds NOT isa browns.
From my experience I’d agree to avoid Rhode Island reds, was a very nasty cockerel. Silkies are usually very docile. Any breed of rooster can be nasty I suppose but it can sometimes depend on how you raise them. I’d advise not making my mistake getting a young one, make sure you get a fully matured rooster as they will generally be less aggressive I’ve heard.
Well, I know you said non-white roosters but thought I'd put my two cents in. I bought some California White hens from Tractor Supply but ended up with a rooster, as well. One of the best roosters I've ever had, except for the fact that he's big, but he's not an aggressive rooster, towards the hens or me. Of course, anyone that know's me on here knows how I feel about aggressive roosters, anyway. I just culled two beautiful roosters that I wished someone would of wanted around here, even offered to give them away but no takers. I think they were bred by the Ameraucana rooster I used to have and either one of my Sex Links or Orpington hens. They too were big and non-aggressive. I raise chickens for the eggs, that's my main reason, thus the California Whites and White Leghorns. And I do love incubating them, as well. I love to see the different colors and varieties that come from the mix. The pics I'm attaching are of 19 of 28 eggs or chicks, that hatched out of my incubator, 1 1/2 months ago. Noticed the lil rooster by the water bucket. He looks like a mix between the California White rooster and my Barred Rock. Anyhow, that was my 2 cents. :)
Those are beautiful hybrids. If like to pair them with my barred rock hens. Wish i would have known. Of course, I'm in Maine. That might have been a drive... I will start incubating this year, myself. I'm so excited to see the mixes i get. I have two grey Plymouth rocks, two vivid red sagittas, other exotics, and they are all gorgeous. Also the dark and light brahmas and I'm breeding all of them all over the place! It's like a hippie commune up in here!
Right now, i only have my JG roo, but plan to get at least two other varieties for breeding. They'll be separated tho. Only handsome BlackJack is the flock daddy.
So far I'm thinking another brahma roo and a Phoenix.
Taking suggestions for size and\or plumage. The breeder roos will be house separately in a social environment. Think coop inside a coop. And spoiled as long as they don't become aggressive to me.
It's odd to say but it's just dd and i making our little farm, (she raises turkeys) but we don't eat eggs or bird. All the eggs are easy to give away. Bout two dozen a week.
The roos, not so much. Here in farming country there's usually too many seeking new homes.
I pick and choose but most are the standard breeds, ISAs, etc. Great breeds and i want all of them, but i like the exotics for my hobby and I'm space limited.

It's sad too. I hate culling things I hand raised.
Then i give away the meat. That's easy, too - But no one wants to do their own work apparently. Sigh...
Ahhh well. At least i know their meat suit ain't wasted.
Hopefully you keep sharing hybrid pics, i will too!

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