Breed suggestions for docile roosters?

I’m sorry to hear that! I have one and he’s the sweetest boy ever. He’s going to be 2 years old next year! View attachment 2940162
He’s a beauty. Here is my big boy with a few of his girls. You can see the feathers are gone from the back of one of them. Now that they are free ranging, hopefully his nails will wear down and he will get his stuff together and stop pulling the feathers out when he does his thing! So far he has been a good boy since my first post. They have a 12x70’ run but it’s all dirt. Now that he has an acre to roam on hopefully it was just more exercise he needed.
He’s a beauty. Here is my big boy with a few of his girls. You can see the feathers are gone from the back of one of them. Now that they are free ranging, hopefully his nails will wear down and he will get his stuff together and stop pulling the feathers out when he does his thing! So far he has been a good boy since my first post. They have a 12x70’ run but it’s all dirt. Now that he has an acre to roam on hopefully it was just more exercise he needed.
Buff Orpingtons

Heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks


Easter Eggers


Mixed Breeds.

Only Rooster breeds I've had problems with are Rhode Island Reds, & Black Sumatras, & New Hampshires. Both are a hit, & miss.

I only had one human aggressive silkie.
Buff Orpingtons

Heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks


Easter Eggers


Mixed Breeds.

Only Rooster breeds I've had problems with are Rhode Island Reds, & Black Sumatras, & New Hampshires. Both are a hit, & miss.

I only had one human aggressive silkie.
I only have one silkie. A rooster named Diablo. Need I say more! He and his two remaining girls, an Americauna and a French Maran, are over 6 years old and I keep them separated from the younger flock. I want them to live their remaining senior lives stress free. Besides, Diablo will have a heart attack running after all of those other girls! When he’s not chasing me, that is… crazy boy!
I only have one silkie. A rooster named Diablo. Need I say more! He and his two remaining girls, an Americauna and a French Maran, are over 6 years old and I keep them separated from the younger flock. I want them to live their remaining senior lives stress free. Besides, Diablo will have a heart attack running after all of those other girls! When he’s not chasing me, that is… crazy boy!
I had a Silkie named Mr. Evil. He would attack anyone, & try to attack us from behind the fence. He became soup not long after that. He's a LF Chinese Silkie.
I primarily only keep the big babies. Human aggressive cockerels/roosters aren't tolerated.
I had a Silkie named Mr. Evil. He would attack anyone, & try to attack us from behind the fence. He became soup not long after that. He's a LF Chinese Silkie.View attachment 2946571I primarily only keep the big babies. Human aggressive cockerels/roosters aren't tolerated.
It breaks my heart when one of my chickens dies or has to be put down. I’m a vegetarian, so no one eats my chickens. My 11 young girls provide me with eggs and my two boys provide me with entertainment… and a great source of education about chicken behavior.
These are my three seniors chilling by the back door.
It breaks my heart when one of my chickens dies or has to be put down. I’m a vegetarian, so no one eats my chickens. My 11 young girls provide me with eggs and my two boys provide me with entertainment… and a great source of education about chicken behavior.
These are my three seniors chilling by the back door.
View attachment 2946593
He's cute. I had one that looked just like him, but larger. His name was Sniffles, but he attempted to kill my other Silkie rooster, then he ended up in the freezer.

I hate it when my birds die, mainly from other flock members, or predators.
When we butcher, I know they're providing food, & I'm fine with it.

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