Breeding Call Ducks?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 29, 2009
I live in Indiana and my daughter got a couple pairs of call ducks at Lebanon show a few months ago, now the one pair has started laying eggs should we let our broody hen hatch them or is this not the time of year for them? We were told that they would not lay eggs till spring!
I seriously doubt they will be fertile, but you can try to hatch them if you have eggs. We normally try to incubate all of the Call eggs we get because we don't get very many of them in any particular breeding season. Typically you don't have great fertility until the daylight hours are long enough *normally Spring*. BUT if you are getting eggs, why not try to hatch them. We aren't getting any eggs from the ducks at the moment. Some of our chickens are laying, but none of the waterfowl are.

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