Breeding Chickens to get Satins


In the Brooder
Jan 17, 2024
Hello, I am new to breeding chicken, and I figured I'd come on here and ask some questions before I get into it. I did some research and I know what breed/breeds I want to breed. I originally wanted to breed Silkies, but then I saw a breed called (Satins), but later I figured out that they aren't actually a breed. At least not yet. I wanted to ask a few questions about them to see if anyone knows anything about them or not.

1. Does it take lots of breeding lines to get Satins?
2. Can you breed Silkies with any breed you want to get a Satin?
3. What are the trait that make a Satin a Satin?
4. Can I put multiple different chicken breeds in with a few Silkies to get Satins or do I just have to pick one breed? Like can I keep a frizzle, bantam cochin, silkie, and a mille de'fluer in the same breeding pen, so I get multiple colors of Satin chickens?
5. Can I breed one of my hens (that is a Silkie and Dorking mix) with a Silkie and get a Satin?
6. Can I breed 2 Satins together?
7. Where can I get Satins?
8. Are there any websites that talk about Satins and everything I need to know about them?

If anyone knows the answer to any of these questions or anything that can help that would be amazing!
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Yeah. Satins are basically silkies that dont have the silkied feather gene. Use either bantam cochins or polish.
Using one of these breeds, you breed them to a silkie. Then you take the offspring with the best silkie traits, and breed back to silkie. You should get 50/50 with silkied feathers and normal feathers. Take the offspring with the best silkie traits/body type and breed back to a silkie. Basically keep on doing this until you get a chicken that has the best silkie traits and body type, and breed them together. Due to recessive genes, you should get 50% that have regular feathers, but carry the gene for silkied feathers, 25% that have silkied feathers, and 25% that don't carry the gene for silkied feathers at all. Test breed these and see which ones don't carry the gene at all. Those are the ones that you are gonna want. Keep those, and ypu should have a satin line going.
This is what I would do, but I'm sure more experienced folks could tell you better ways to get satins.

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