75?!!!! I m getting there, I have more than 50. I will need to cull hard for egg laying ability, but culling hens....... ugh that's very difficult. I don't even name them. This breeding stuff is harder than I thought! They all seem to have at least one interesting characteristic worth keeping......... aaaaarrghhhh

Yes! This ^^^^^ exactly! I've only butchered one hen and that was because she was a really nasty, mean creature that pecked at me every chance she got and picked on the other birds as well. This year I did start selling off a few of the hens that don't fit into my breeding program, but I've got so many beautiful and sweet birds that I find it too easy to make excuses to keep them....especially if they're good egg producers. I've always got people wanting eggs. Ironically though, it's my roosters who wind up being the sweetest birds. I've got at least three right now that don't fit into any of my breeding programs but those boys are so affectionate with my family and myself that none of us can stand the idea of butchering them. And since my freezer is currently well-stocked I'm finding it far too easy to put off doing the deed.
yeah I was thinking of selling my BO's... and of course those are the ones that have quit laying already .. so I guess I have to wait until spring and hope they start up again..... then I wonder how they will be treated and think maybe I should process them

ETA: when they quit laying for good

I moved a flock of birds into one of my runs to monitor them because they'd all stopped laying weeks to months ago. I figured I'd be butchering all of them....and now over half of them have begun laying regularly again. Those girls are so darn happy in their new run! Even some of the previously aloof hens in there are now downright friendly with me. *Sigh* They sure don't make it easy to do what my brain knows I should do.
Originally Posted by WPFarmstead

I "cull" my hens by selling them to other people who just want a few around. I absolutely hate putting down hens or pullets, too. Seems like such a waste.
A bird that lives a good life and has a quick death in order to feed the family is not a waste, even if it is a female that you eat.
A bird that lives a good life and has a quick death in order to feed the family is not a waste, even if it is a female that you eat.

It's not a waste in that way, but eating a hen versus her eggs is actually a monetary loss, unless she has absolutely quit laying. Not saying it shouldn't be done when necessary, but I would much rather eat an extra cockerel than a pullet that I can sell for $20+, instead.

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