I am getting frustrated. I think I will just order a number of both dark cornish and buckeyes from Cackle and have done with it. Chasing breeders is just too much like work and I have enough of that at my real job!
Thanks for the welcome. I see you type in bold print. Is that because you are the thread starter? I have not even seen turkens, except in pictures. We are getting rid of our last turkeys soon and I don't think I want to have anything around that reminds me of them. We have 8 lorps left and they are going too. We are going to start all over with a new breed when we get moved.
Glad to have you. Getting rid of both the others, what do you have in mind? I'm rather thinking about White Rocks. Living in NW La and the heat I think they would do well here. There's just something about a big beautiful white bird. I also want a good New Hampshire breed. I'm fairly new myself and getting my options solidified. Keep posting. We have fun on here.
Maybe I can get some help here. We are looking for information about Buckeyes but can't seem to get straight answers. I subscribed to the Buckeye thread and got two PM. One advised me to contact a well known breeder and gave me contact information. Before I had time to call them, I got another PM telling me that they had a pretty good idea who the other person was pushing me toward and that I should stay away from them because they had ugly, non-laying chickens even though they had gotten the stock from some other very well known breeder.

We are looking for chickens to eat and that will provide us with a relatively good amount of eggs. We first considered the dark cornish but figured the egg production might be lower than we wanted so the Buckeyes started looking pretty good.

Is there any place to get facts about a breed without the he said-she said?

I am getting frustrated. I think I will just order a number of both dark cornish and buckeyes from Cackle and have done with it. Chasing breeders is just too much like work and I have enough of that at my real job!
IT is unfortunate that the breed has a split faction of followers. Makes it difficult for the new comers. I experienced a similar event as you did . . . very uncomfortable at best.

As you made a decision that worked for you, I made a decision that worked for me. I steer clear of buckeye threads. Generally speaking I get my Buckeye information from Don Shrider as he is no nonsense and supportive of new comers. No ax to grind that I can see. Sorry you experienced such difficulties, unfortunately it goes with the Buckeye territory.

Hope you enjoy them!!!

I was advised to feed them well at 27% protein for the best results; mine are from a breeder that selects for fast growth. Perhaps this also pertains to the Cackle line, too, IDK.
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This is my 'ol stompin' ground. Lived in Carlsbad and Oceanside from 1980 to 1992. Mom , Sis and Bro & his
wife live in Oceanside and Vista. They are ok. The part of Carlsbad that is burning is called Avira. A very upscale
development in Carlsbad by the Carlsbad Airport. They have at least 6 fires burning in San Diego North County.
The original ones are throwing sparks because of the Santa Ana winds. Such a pretty region.

This is my 'ol stompin' ground. Lived in Carlsbad and Oceanside from 1980 to 1992. Mom , Sis and Bro & his
wife live in Oceanside and Vista. They are ok. The part of Carlsbad that is burning is called Avira. A very upscale
development in Carlsbad by the Carlsbad Airport. They have at least 6 fires burning in San Diego North County.
The original ones are throwing sparks because of the Santa Ana winds. Such a pretty region.


I understood that they guesstimated the thousands and it was around 300. I got my info from The Front Porch Swing. Deb lives outside of San Diego. Just passing along what I hear.

Edited for content: After reading the article, I don't know what to think.
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This is my 'ol stompin' ground. Lived in Carlsbad and Oceanside from 1980 to 1992. Mom , Sis and Bro & his
wife live in Oceanside and Vista. They are ok. The part of Carlsbad that is burning is called Avira. A very upscale
development in Carlsbad by the Carlsbad Airport. They have at least 6 fires burning in San Diego North County.
The original ones are throwing sparks because of the Santa Ana winds. Such a pretty region.


With this being the third year of the worst drought in California's history, these fires are just the beginning. We have been hearing for months now that there will be a lot a very bad fires this year.

Keep us in your prayers!
With this being the third year of the worst drought in California's history, these fires are just the beginning. We have been hearing for months now that there will be a lot a very bad fires this year.

Keep us in your prayers!
As if anyone needed another reason not to smoke! I know lots of fires are set intentionally and by dry lightning; I just wanted to throw in a plug for one's health since I work in the health care service.

Our prayers are with you all and every other place that face such trials.

Glad to have you. Getting rid of both the others, what do you have in mind? I'm rather thinking about White Rocks. Living in NW La and the heat I think they would do well here. There's just something about a big beautiful white bird. I also want a good New Hampshire breed. I'm fairly new myself and getting my options solidified. Keep posting. We have fun on here.
Thank you for the words of welcome and encouragement. They are very comforting right about now. Thanks also for the suggestion of White Rocks. I've handled them and they are beautiful chickens but they don't have the carcass type we are interested in.
IT is unfortunate that the breed has a split faction of followers. Makes it difficult for the new comers. I experienced a similar event as you did . . . very uncomfortable at best.

As you made a decision that worked for you, I made a decision that worked for me. I steer clear of buckeye threads. Generally speaking I get my Buckeye information from Don Shrider as he is no nonsense and supportive of new comers. No ax to grind that I can see. Sorry you experienced such difficulties, unfortunately it goes with the Buckeye territory.

Hope you enjoy them!!!

I was advised to feed them well at 27% protein for the best results; mine are from a breeder that selects for fast growth. Perhaps this also pertains to the Cackle line, too, IDK.
Sorry, I don't have this quote thing figured out yet. I haven't decided for certain to go with the hatchery birds. We won't be totally in at our new property before the end of the month and we have a bit of time. I don't want to buy chicks and bring them to Louisville, only to pack them off to Frankfort in a couple days. The name, Don Shrider has come up somewhere before. I think he's up in West Virginia, almost to Maryland. That would be a 12 hour drive from here, one way. That's doable but just not any time soon. Moving has almost killed us both, while holding down full time jobs. We are anxious to get moved in completely and more anxious to get some chickens but we have to do it in a sensible way.

Thanks to all for the suggestions. Things will work out.

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