Breeding in the Mixed Flock


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
Right now I am raising up some LB chicks. I have 1 rooster with some hens. But I just got 3 GWyndottes and 2 Cochin Bantams. I would like to breed the Light Brahmas someday but for now I am thinking I could get a GW rooster.

When the LBs are ready to go outside does the GW roo have to go to keep it pure?
Pretty much any chicken will breed with any other chicken available to them. So if they are not separated by breed, cross bred chicks will certainly show up in hatches.
Kev is right!
When you decide to get your LB roo... you can separate them. After 3 weeks your hens should be clear of any past roos and then you can mate them with your LB roo

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