Breeding my flock


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 4, 2010
Hello all,
This year, I plan to breed my chickens and let my hens become broody. For breeders, what do you guys feed your hens to trigger egg laying faster and to condition them well enough to lay eggs good for hatching?

Sorry I hope this is the right thread to post this topic since it involves feeding.
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Supply some something more or other than commercial hen feed. Extra greens, protein rich things like sunflower, quinoa, amaranth, fish meal, etc. Many of those things are a good health boost in general, too.

As for broodiness, make sure you actually have a breed and a strain that is broody.
yeah I did research on what breeds go broody, I have Bantam Cochins, a few mixed bantams, a few game breeds which i hear are all very broody. All my flocks came from hens that brooded them too, none are incubated chicks. I do want some Orpington too, do they get broody?

as for sunflower, should i get shelled or unshelled? or does it even matter? and the rest of the stuff you recommended, i don't really even know where to start finding them at.
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