breeding project - chicks that can take the heat and keep foraging

A little of topic, but, I routinely soak my whole oats, and do the whole sour/fermented oats with vinegar and red cell. I also sometimes add sunflower seeds or whole corn. My sheep and goats LOVE the stuff, they go crazy for it!!
It never gets wasted as the chickens and geese will eat whatever the sheep and goats don't....
I, too, have read studies that show minimally sprouted grains have more benefit than unsprouted ones, but what I read was aimed at human consumption. As for the soggy, grains that are soaked for sprouting aren't soggy, they're crispy. If they get soggy, then they're bad. Never fermented any though so I don't know if those are soggy or not. I've given mine wheat that I soaked for another reason than they loved it. If soaked longer, till they're actually sprouted and green, they don't seem to care so much for them. They want the seed, not the green part. Which is weird to me because they do love greens.
LOL. Talk about degrees that help with chickens.........
BA: Religion with a minor in Psy. and Hebrew
M.Div. (speaks for itself)
D.Min. (same as above)

pm anytime.

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