

7 Years
Dec 2, 2015
Upstate NY
These are my red hens. Are they production, golden comet, rir ? Something else? How do you know?! Also one of my roos. Americauna or EE? I don't have great pics at the moment. The roo has feathers around his face


The rooster is a mixed breed; possibly an Easter Egger. The red ones are all Red Sex Link pullets. RSLs are also marketed by hatcheries under a variety of other labels including Golden Comet, Red Star, Gold Star, Brown Sex Link, Cinnamon Queen, Golden Buff, Isa Brown, Babcock Brown, Red Shaver, Brown Shaver, Gold Sex Link, Warrens, etc.
I know I don't know.Lol I'm new to this. we had floods from the rain we had, and a hen ended up in my yard.I reached out to my neighbors and no one has chickens. I Think someone let them loose in the woods in front of our place. I hear a rooster in the woods crowing but can never locate him. I would like to know the breed of her i got. I've been taking very good care of her for 2 months now, and no eggs.I made her a laying box and feed her laying mash. Please help
I question if that is a male, it does not have saddle feathers. comb and body look female.
These are my red hens. Are they production, golden comet, rir ? Something else? How do you know?! Also one of my roos. Americauna or EE? I don't have great pics at the moment. The roo has feathers around his face


Where did your rooster come from? he looks a lot like my blue egger blue sex links

And your hens are red sex links.
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