brewers yeast for horses can I feed my ducks it?

Do you know the brand? Unless it has something that's specifically formulated for horses, I would think it's fine for a duck.
Says it's 100% brewer's yeast so I would think it's fine. I'm reading other people saying they give it to their dogs, so I can't imagine it would harm a duck. You'll just want to use a different dosage obviously. About 1 tbsp per cup of food for ducks I believe.
Thank you very much I have emailed the seller although I actually bought some.
Thank you very much I have emailed the seller although I actually bought some.
Sounds good. Like @Miss Lydia you'll probably want to ask about the Nutrional value in regard to niacin as well. I'd be less worried about whether or not it was safe for them to ingest, and more about whether or not the yeast will have the Nutrional requirements your ducks need.
Sounds good. Like @Miss Lydia you'll probably want to ask about the Nutrional value in regard to niacin as well. I'd be less worried about whether or not it was safe for them to ingest, and more about whether or not the yeast will have the Nutrional requirements your ducks need.
That I know it's 5mg for every 15mg.

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