Bringing hen into nursery school class?


10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
where chickens dare to tread..
Any words of wisdom? I'm bringing my friendliest hen, and figured I'd hold her for the kids to pet. I was considering putting down a blanket and having the kids sit in a circle while we gave her some treats too... too overwhelming, you think? Rosie is an outgoing sort of bird and is wonderful when we have playdates, but this will be new for her.

Any BTDT stories are great, thanks.
I have a hen named after me that I bring to my preschool Sunday School class once and awhile. I think they tend to prefer her in the cage. When she flaps her wings some of them are afraid. She makes a big impression though and they talk about her frequently. If you bring her out just be sure to hold down her wings so she can't flap. Also have the hand sanitizer on hand if they are going to touch her so they can clean up afterwards. I actually don't think it makes much difference but it makes everyone feel better about touching animals and not spreading germs. Also realize preschoolers may have phobias to things so watch everyone to be sure no one is frightened. In that case take the hen to another room and allow those who want to interact to see her up close.
I take my 3 hens to our elementary and pre-schools regularly. I used to work at the pre-school and I would take the birds with me about once a week to show to classes and to let them scratch around in a fenced area near the playground.

I have always had a great response and only once has a bird gotten away from me and taken a short flight. Of course the bird flew right at the one child who was absolutely terrified of them and I had tried for months to get her close to them.

Keeping a good handle on the wings is great advice, though when the flapping starts I usually try to keep the kid's interest by talking about the amount of wind that one fat chicken can stir up when trying to fly. I also keep the bird sitting on a piece of cardboard or paper towels when inside, to make clean up of "messes" easier.

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