Brinsea issue and my turkey hatch


Mar 18, 2017
Telemark Norway
This is my third attempt to hatch turkey eggs. The first two times I was using an old incubator and unbeknownst to me, it spiked during incubation killing the embryos both times. This time, with a 100% hatch of Icelandic and Marans under my belt I am using my Brinsea Advance 28. It's less than 3 months old.

Yesterday was day 5/6 and everything was going fine until the fan and motor started making weird noises and then stopped. The over heat alarm went off and the machine kept stopping running. I tried to "spot check" the incubator and my super accurate thermometer only indicated "too low! to read."

So i took the eggs out and put them in my old "spikey" incubator. They were at approximately 35*c / 95F for about 12-16hrs. Today I used a different thermometer in the Brinsea after resetting it and it said it was holding 37.7 so i have now put the turkey eggs back in.

I'm wondering if my spotchek has an issue or if it's a incubator issue now... I can't tell you how badly I want turkey poults. Will 12 hrs at 35/95F have killed them or just "slowed" them?

Anyone know?
The first two times I was using an old incubator and unbeknownst to me, it spiked during incubation killing the embryos both times.

Will 12 hrs at 35/95F have killed them or just "slowed" them?

Question, How did you determine your old incubator "spiked" and killed your embryos if you did not know it happened???

The eggs should have not died at 95, but you sound like you are guessing at that temp----might have not got that low----holding their own heat---then they might have gotten lower. Many people have had good hatches after finding cold feeling eggs for who knows how many hours so hopefully you will be OK on that.
Question, How did you determine your old incubator "spiked" and killed your embryos if you did not know it happened???

The eggs should have not died at 95, but you sound like you are guessing at that temp----might have not got that low----holding their own heat---then they might have gotten lower. Many people have had good hatches after finding cold feeling eggs for who knows how many hours so hopefully you will be OK on that.

Hi PD man,
I went over everything i did with the old incubator with the man who has been helping me with my quest for turkey. He's a professional breeder of 30 years and with his help we ruled out most everything else.. the spike is a guess, but an educated one on his part. Since everything else was good the fact that 13 viable all perished at approximately day 8-9 all showing the same development. He hatched from the same lot of eggs 159 of 160 so it was not the eggs.

I put all the eggs in that old incubator yesterday and removed them again this a.m. shortly before i posted here (after i had reset the brinsea and checked it with a third thermometer) That third thermometer is the next most accurate i have here and is usually less than a degree out to the cool side. The third thermometer was in the old incubator the whole time the eggs were at it was reading 34.5 -35C which would mean approx 95F.

IF it was my Spotcheck that was / is the issue, then the eggs i removed were 37.7 and put into a temp of 35C for 12 possibly 14hrs, i don't recall exactly when i realized there may be an issue..

I'm just going to let them continue now, i will candle at day 10 or maybe 15 and see what the news is.

Thank you for your reply!

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