Broad Breast Turkey returning at night?


9 Years
Aug 4, 2013
New Jersey
I have about a 2 month old BBB turkey, he is in a 25 x 20 area separate from my chickens. I want to be able to let him free range with the chickens when I let them out, but I'm worried that he may not come back to his area like the chickens go back to their coop at night. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you.
He is less then 20 feet away from the chickens. So its not like he doesn't know that there are other birds here. Just different living quarters.
He is less then 20 feet away from the chickens. So its not like he doesn't know that there are other birds here. Just different living quarters.
Just saying that if you let him out with a bunch of birds that roost together for the night, he will quickly understand that the place to go to be safe and with the flock is where all the other birds go. Even if the chickens get aggressive about a new bird in their coop, the turkey will eventually want to go to roost with the other birds no matter what. Possibly some of the chickens will want to move into the newly accessible turkey quarters. No way to choose which living quarters any birds go to if both areas are accessible. Of course since it's just one turkey you could move him to wherever he needs to be after the sun goes down.
I have about a 2 month old BBB turkey, he is in a 25 x 20 area separate from my chickens. I want to be able to let him free range with the chickens when I let them out, but I'm worried that he may not come back to his area like the chickens go back to their coop at night. Does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you.
My turkeys have chickens and ducks to hangout with during the day but the turkeys have there own place to sleep. My turkeys do there own thing. They don't hangout with the others. They never put them selfs up. They always come home before dark and hangout on the porch till I put them up.

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