Hi, so this will be my first time raising some chickens for eating.
I am getting 6 cornishX chicks tomoro.
My first question is in regards to cocci.
I plan on keeping the chicks in an enclosed brooder, good-quality, heated, insulated the whole 9 yards.
The brooder will be either outside or in the garage(depending on smell factor), both places have the same temps.
The brooder has a wire bottom with a metal tray.
Most of the poop will be collected below and outside the brooder, minimizing contact with chicks.
The temps outside are still quite chilly at night and warm-ish in the day.
The brooder is a coop with an attachable, optional run.
Does that description sound like there is major cause for concern over cocci?
Should I not let them out onto the ground?
Should I feed medicated chick feed or go straight to a higher protein diet like game bird?
Is there a broiler-specific bag of feed?
These chickens will only be around for several weeks . . .
My other concern is the various problems associated with raising the broilers . . .
You look at youtube and of course it shows the worst of the worst.
If I get 6 healthy chicks, and care for them as I would ANY living creature in my care, how much of a concern are things like leg-problems and such.
These chickens will only be around for several weeks, and get the same care I give my laying chicks.
I would rather not have to deal with a "special needs" chicken if I dont have to.
I guess I could go with the regular cornish birds, but I really want to just get it done and over with as soon as possible.
I am getting 6 cornishX chicks tomoro.
My first question is in regards to cocci.
I plan on keeping the chicks in an enclosed brooder, good-quality, heated, insulated the whole 9 yards.
The brooder will be either outside or in the garage(depending on smell factor), both places have the same temps.
The brooder has a wire bottom with a metal tray.
Most of the poop will be collected below and outside the brooder, minimizing contact with chicks.
The temps outside are still quite chilly at night and warm-ish in the day.
The brooder is a coop with an attachable, optional run.
Does that description sound like there is major cause for concern over cocci?
Should I not let them out onto the ground?
Should I feed medicated chick feed or go straight to a higher protein diet like game bird?
Is there a broiler-specific bag of feed?
These chickens will only be around for several weeks . . .
My other concern is the various problems associated with raising the broilers . . .
You look at youtube and of course it shows the worst of the worst.
If I get 6 healthy chicks, and care for them as I would ANY living creature in my care, how much of a concern are things like leg-problems and such.
These chickens will only be around for several weeks, and get the same care I give my laying chicks.
I would rather not have to deal with a "special needs" chicken if I dont have to.
I guess I could go with the regular cornish birds, but I really want to just get it done and over with as soon as possible.