broilers from s & g

thousand hills

10 Years
Feb 13, 2009
has anyone purchased their broilers from s&g in alabama? Seems similar to j&m , but birds look more like the french label rouge breeds. any feedback would be appreciated as I was originally planning to get from j& m. Thank you.
I have not purchased from Danny before. I can only tell you his reputation around... none better. The care he takes in his flock is second to none. He has a closed will NOT go in and visit his facilities for biosecurity reasons.

Our local feed store does not carry any chicks in the Spring....he gives them Danny's number instead.

A honest man with a honest hobby, poultry.
Thank you! Although I haven't posted much - no sense repeating questions if it's already been discussed...I just do a search first...anyhoo... I have greatly benefited from all the information on this board. Simply priceless and very much appreciated! Terri

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