broilers too hot


12 Years
Apr 15, 2007
Creedmoor, NC
I think my broilers are too hot. They are getting close to D-day and one was just dead when I went out there. Any ideas how I can cool them off? They are on the coolest part of our property in deep shade and have a tarp and sun shade over their tractor. Help!
Could you maybe stretch a fan out there, to get the air circulating? <and I know the extension cords can be a pain, we have one running across our back lawn right now!!>

Good luck. Poor things!

I also use(d) a fan for mine to cool them and I even drag the hose out on real hot days and mist them gently a couple times during the day. I took half of mine in for processing today, and now that the remaining half have more room, they seem less bothered by the heat. Also, avoid feeding scratch or anything else with alot of corn because corn will RAISE their temp!
I freeze my chickens water about 2/3 full of water the fill it up the rest of the way and put it out for them. It usually stays cool for most of the day. I also freeze 2 liter bottles and put them out for the chickens to lay against (they love it). I don't like to spray them down with water, because it can cause bacteria and mold build up if you aren't careful. I live in Arizona and my chickens have been doing very well in 110 degree weather with what I have been doing.

Hope this helps... Sorry you lost one of your birds!

Ok! I will try the frozen bottle thing. I initially tried misting them with the hose, but they completely panicked so I thought... great, now they will just have a heart attack instead of heat stroke. They are now out there with a box fan run out to the tractor on 4 extension cords from our dining room window. Oh boy, I can't wait till the husband gets home. They were initially frightened of the fan, but seem to have settled down. This is the hottest day we've had so far. I think tomorrow is also supposed to be hot, but then I think cooler. Only 1.5 weeks to go!

ps - I am really proud of myself for not crying at all. I think this is a good sign for when the time comes... I was mostly disappointed because it took 2 hands to lift the body out of the pen, so I think he would have been quite meaty! Of course, if I had come out to find one of my girls down at the coop like that... there would have been tears.
I lost a Cornish Cross last week, big ole roo.... Alive inthe morning, everyone walking on him that night.... i have a big fan on them and still just keeled over....

I am down to 6 meat birds, 7 butchered 1 heat stroke(??)... Anyway I will be glad to be done with them by the weekend..... I still have yet to eat one....
Does it get hot in Maine???

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