broken beak and puffy quail


Feb 1, 2015
We have had 3 quails for about 1 month. I was checking the aviary for eggs today as we haven't had any for a few days now (they are in a space approx 3m x 3m x 3m with 30 odd finches), well i noticed one quail was puffed - it is also quite cold at the moment (max temp of.12 degrees Celsius today) but also had a couple of blood spots on her back.
Checked when Mr got home, her beak shell seems to be missing. I guess the hard casing has come off and it's all bloody. Seems energetic enough but we have separated her anyway. Is there anything we can do to help her?
Hopefully the photo will attach.
I'd just give her a crumble made into a mash or mush. Or grand those seeds first. It might not matter but to me it seems like it would be easier for her to eat.
Me either. Not sure if it will regrow like finger nails do or not! She has been inside with us for about 3 hrs and has seemed to be eating seeds so hopefully it grows back and she is fine. Thank you though!
Should heal. Use neosporin or triple antibiotic, make sure it doesn't contain painkillers. Make sure she stays warm, keep her separate, give her a deep feeder so her beak doesn't touch the bottom. It's likely sore and if she's bumping it on the bottom she may go off feed.
Thanks for the advice @dc3085. Will get some meds for her today and keep her food bowl full. Although I busted her last night standing in it kicking all her food out.
Give her a cookie tin or tupperware full of sand and she'll stop doing that so much, but yeah, if they can reach it they'll use it for a dust bath. You can also cut holes in the sides of a plastic coffee can to let her fit her head and upper body to eat in but not be able to throw feed out. Try to keep the antibiotics ointment away from the very edges of the beak (quick at this point really) where her tongue can reach it. I'm not sure what would happen if she consumed it, but it'll probably be really hard to avoid.
Of course! I didn't think.of the sandpit. They have one outside and love it. Will get her one for the sickbay. Cheers. Appreciate the help.

Noticed some blood around sick bay when I got home tonight and it appears the beak that had the top layer broken off is now completely gone all together. Quail still seems energetic and is appearing to eat. I think she's getting food.
Will keep you updated if anything changes.

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