I have had two flocks of chickens, though sadly my first flock got attacked by a weasel after about a year and a half. Never had a beak issue until now, when I went out and noticed that my Easter Egger hen (bottom of the pecking order) is having the top part of her beak sort of cracked and misplaced. It has a little blood around the injury and is clearly very painful. I gave her some homemade layer mash mixed with clover, her favorite treat, and she ate a good bit of it, but not without pain. She is very docile and sweet but hated being burritoed in a towel, so I am worried about having to Krazy Glue it (also because I don't have very steady hands). Do you think she would be okay without the glue if I just keep feeding her until it heals? Can I put her I with the flock since I don't have a very large one (only three hens total)? How do I get her water and will the water from the mash be enough? We also have a nipple feeder and it is very hot out, so I'm assuming she needs more than the mash, Any help or answers will be appreciated. Thank you.
I have had two flocks of chickens, though sadly my first flock got attacked by a weasel after about a year and a half. Never had a beak issue until now, when I went out and noticed that my Easter Egger hen (bottom of the pecking order) is having the top part of her beak sort of cracked and misplaced. It has a little blood around the injury and is clearly very painful. I gave her some homemade layer mash mixed with clover, her favorite treat, and she ate a good bit of it, but not without pain. She is very docile and sweet but hated being burritoed in a towel, so I am worried about having to Krazy Glue it (also because I don't have very steady hands). Do you think she would be okay without the glue if I just keep feeding her until it heals? Can I put her I with the flock since I don't have a very large one (only three hens total)? How do I get her water and will the water from the mash be enough? We also have a nipple feeder and it is very hot out, so I'm assuming she needs more than the mash, Any help or answers will be appreciated. Thank you.