Broken Beak

I have an updated pic of Chickie's beak but I didn't know how to update the title of the thread. Anyway, she's eating well, her weight looks better and she actually has eaten a few crumbles I've put on her mash. I have put some oyster shell on the bottom tray of her cage and she has pecked at/eaten it. She's been caged for a month and 3 days. Do you think I can let her out now? I know that Miss Broody Pants the SS) tried to fight while Chickie is in the cage, will that be a problem? They both looked like fighting cocks!
Good advice by @dawg53
As for what's in the comb, I agree, I don't think it's Favus. Some do see this with birds that have combs that have all those nooks/crannies. I've never seen a clear answer to what it is, but likely a mixture of debris and gunk. Anti-fungal cream may help, but as some people found, it helps to dig those out.
Looking that the link you provided - could it be a form of acne they get on their combs? I know cats get acne, so maybe chickens can, too? Or maybe dirt and debris caking onto the oil on their skin?
I have an updated pic of Chickie's beak but I didn't know how to update the title of the thread. Anyway, she's eating well, her weight looks better and she actually has eaten a few crumbles I've put on her mash. I have put some oyster shell on the bottom tray of her cage and she has pecked at/eaten it. She's been caged for a month and 3 days. Do you think I can let her out now? I know that Miss Broody Pants the SS) tried to fight while Chickie is in the cage, will that be a problem? They both looked like fighting cocks!
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That's very good news, your patience has paid off.
The real test is to put a few layer feed crumbles on the tray on the bottom of the cage and see if she can pick them up and eat them. If she can do that, she is ready to be released. If not, perhaps another week caged/healing.
Since she is the lowest in the pecking order, you know there's going to be problems reintroducing her with the others.

You can leave Chickie caged and place her in the pen while caged for a couple of days so that the others get used to her. Then later at night slip her inside the coop with the others while the others are sleeping. Then observe them the next morning when they all come out in the morning to eat and drink. I'm sure there will be some adjustments with your birds, just watch for serious fights resulting in injuries. Perhaps your SS might need some time in the cage away from the flock for a few days to knock her down in the pecking order.
@PennyM I'm glad that she is doing better :)

Looking that the link you provided - could it be a form of acne they get on their combs? I know cats get acne, so maybe chickens can, too? Or maybe dirt and debris caking onto the oil on their skin?
@FowlWitch I don't know what causes that, but yes, I could see where dirt/oil cakes into the skin and it festers.
That's very good news, your patience has paid off.
The real test is to put a few layer feed crumbles on the tray on the bottom of the cage and see if she can pick them up and eat them. If she can do that, she is ready to be released. If not, perhaps another week caged/healing.
Since she is the lowest in the pecking order, you know there's going to be problems reintroducing her with the others.

You can leave Chickie caged and place her in the pen while caged for a couple of days so that the others get used to her. Then later at night slip her inside the coop with the others while the others are sleeping. Then observe them the next morning when they all come out in the morning to eat and drink. I'm sure there will be some adjustments with your birds, just watch for serious fights resulting in injuries. Perhaps your SS might need some time in the cage away from the flock for a few days to knock her down in the pecking order.
Chickie has been caged in the pen all this time, that's why I was a little surprised that Dandy acted like that. Dandy (SS) and Princess or Prinny (SLW) kind of shared the leadership role until Dandy was put in the broody breaker cage 3 times last year and so far 3 times this year. Maybe she's trying to get her top spot back again...
Chickie has been caged in the pen all this time, that's why I was a little surprised that Dandy acted like that. Dandy (SS) and Princess or Prinny (SLW) kind of shared the leadership role until Dandy was put in the broody breaker cage 3 times last year and so far 3 times this year. Maybe she's trying to get her top spot back again...
If she's been caged with them the whole time and she's fit to rejoin the flock, the I would let her out and see what happens. Stay with them of course, there's probably going to be a little drama.

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