Broken egg, is the clutch spoiled?


Jul 24, 2020
We have a broody hen, Asian Black, a year old this month. Early this spring she went broody the first time, after a couple of months I finally broke her. She was great, then about a month later, she went broody again. I decided to get her three possible fertilized eggs from a local farmer. I put them under her and she’s doing great. We’re on day 6, I checked today and one egg is broke. I got her settled in the egg box next door, and she is sitting diligently on the remaining two eggs. I noticed the broken egg got on at least one other egg, a pretty decent amount in one area, and it’s more less dried, can’t really be wiped off. My question, does this dried egg put that (hopefully) fertile egg in jeopardy? I am going to candle them tonight to see if I see any signs of life…I had planned to do this anyway before I found the broken egg. Just wondering if the dried egg on the shell poses a problem. Thanks!
We have a broody hen, Asian Black, a year old this month. Early this spring she went broody the first time, after a couple of months I finally broke her. She was great, then about a month later, she went broody again. I decided to get her three possible fertilized eggs from a local farmer. I put them under her and she’s doing great. We’re on day 6, I checked today and one egg is broke. I got her settled in the egg box next door, and she is sitting diligently on the remaining two eggs. I noticed the broken egg got on at least one other egg, a pretty decent amount in one area, and it’s more less dried, can’t really be wiped off. My question, does this dried egg put that (hopefully) fertile egg in jeopardy? I am going to candle them tonight to see if I see any signs of life…I had planned to do this anyway before I found the broken egg. Just wondering if the dried egg on the shell poses a problem. Thanks!
You should remove the broken egg. The other one has a 50% chance of hatching now, ut it's always good to have about 4-6 eggs because it helps spread the weight.

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