Broken feathers before a show?!


Feb 7, 2021
I have a slight problem and I am hoping that there is a way to fix it in time. Next weekend I have my hens first Ag show and I have noticed that tips of the top of her feathers on her back have chipped off. Because she is a laced wyandotte its really noticeable, and so it appears that there is a missing V on the tip of her feathers. Just wondering if there is any way to fix it in time or should I just hope for the best😂. I know that it was probably caused by one of my bossy hens but she has learnt now to keep her distance. Help would be appreciated.
Plucking of feathers can force regrowth, but you don't have enough time for that. Realistically there is no means of repair. Enjoy the experience, and if you are serious about showing it may become necessary to remove show birds from the flock of feather peckers/pluckers.

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