Broken feathers cause?


7 Years
Apr 26, 2012

Does anyone know what would cause this type of feather damage? The feathers are broken off, starting at the tail and the process continues all the way up to the head. We don't have a rooster. Thanks for your help!
ps I think you can click on the picture to see it enlarged.
My whole flock has looked this way for at least 9 months so I'm sure it's not a molt. I've been treating endlessly for mites. Any other suggestions?
Thank you for the links. I did see that poultry lice feed on feathers. I am going to get rid of my deep litter system and keep spraying the coop/roosts. We have a million cracks in the wood for these varmints to inhabit. Also I was advised to feed the girls high protein. Wish me luck! I've tried everything else.
I have looked several times at night at the hens' vent areas but I never see anything. My guess is they had a heavy infestation, which I took care of, and their feathers are just going to look like this until they molt. However, I don't really know and am open to ideas.

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