Broken feet feathers-Brahma


In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2023
Hello, I am typing this in a bit of a hurry so sorry about that. My light brahma Snow has just been found with bloody feet for the second time now. We checked, and it was the same reason as last time: a broken foot feather.
The break was clean and the root of the feather was still attached to the skin, so we dissinfected and moved on. But now I am worried, is this a normal occurrence or signs of bullying? Snow is not particularly small or standing out, so it would surprise me seeing as she is doing okay pecking order wise. However, a break like that doesnt just happen. They are all still groing, so could this be part of their developpement? I know they go through lots of feathers at that stage.
It's not something I have seen here with my feather footed birds. If she is an enthusiastic scratcher it can happen. If she has a LOT of feathers on her feet I can see it happening during normal activities too.
This product is good to keep on hand for stopping bleeding whether a foot feather, toenail or comb injury.
Thanks a lot! I appreciate it, I was so worried we were looking at bullying. Ill check it out!

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