Broken femur? Help

Don't think. It's marek's, just had another look at her, not so floppy but she is now reacting to the pain and there definitely is swelling. I forgot all about the blood on the "thumb" I saw yesterday, looks like there's a cut by the nail. Also there was a wee big of blood on her bandage but cannot find any cuts, it's somewhere where the feathers cover her legs, I'm thinking she must have gotten it caught on something. When out of her sling she puts no weight on the leg at all. I am thinking of taking her out of the sling for the night as she keeps making sad noises and does not look comfortable, what do yall think?
If it's not too badly broken it should heal just fine. Femurs, it's been my experience that those don't usually heal.
That is wonderful news! Am still concerned that she dosnt seem to have feeling in her toes.. I just took a pic, this is her having a little outside time this morning, do you guys think I have set the splint OK? I am wondering if the angle is not right?

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