Broken Leg? -HELP-


13 Years
Jun 15, 2009
My 3 month old americauna pullet is walking on her hock and seems to have a broken leg. I picked her up and examined her leg by bending the base of her leg, her hock, and her ankle. They seemed okay buy I'm guessing something's wrong in her ankle so she's walking on her hock to keep pressure of her ankle. Is there any quick cures for broken legs? Any advice is greatly appreciated. I put her in a dog crate with grass hay for bedding and put her buddy in with her for the night.
I really don't know what to tell you, but I'll give you a friendly bump and hopefully someone else can help.
If it is indeed broken, you could splint it. I suppose with our old standby.. Vetwrap. Since it isn't visibly jutting out of the skin, I would think it could help by stabilizing it.

But I had a 5 month old hen who was walking on her hock, then it progressed to being unable to walk at all. Both legs became progressively weaker. It wasn't broken. She is no longer with us.

How is she tonight??

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