Broken leg please help!

So sorry there was a delay in answering your post. I would place her in a small cage or box to rest the leg. Do you see any swelling, redness or bruising of the leg or joints? Is the skin broken? Breaks in the lower leg can heal easier in a couple of weeks, but breaks high up in the thigh bone are harder to heal. Splinting may help. Here is a link or 2 for splinting:
Vet wrap cut into smaller strips can make very good splinting material. Look for any displacement of bones and try to align them strainght if splinting. Broken bones can take 2-3 weeks to heal, and chicken slings can be used to keep them upright. Here are some pictures of slings:

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You may need to see how she does with either a sling or keeping her in the brooder. You don't want her to lose her place in the pecking order, but you also don't want them to attack her. Here are some more chick chair pictures:


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