Brooder temperature regulation


11 Years
Mar 14, 2008
Hello, I am new at this but have tried to do my homework and really appreciate this forum. I have 2 chicks that are 3-4 days old. I have a brooder inside that is a storage bin with a wire top and a 275 Watt heat lamp overhead. I have a thermometer inside and understand it should be 95 deg the first week. However, with these chicks, it seems like they want it cooler. I can't tell but they seem to be panting with their mouth open occasionally--I assume they are hot. They huddle in a certain spot so I checked the temp there and it is closer to 87-90. Is this OK? I seem to be adjusting this darn heat lamp several times a day to get the right setting and I can't figure it out. I lost 1 chick prior to the arrival of these 2 and really want to get this right. Any suggestions? Also, looked at the temperature thread and noted one person asked if the food and water were under the heater area--should they be?

I also found if you have them inside the house you don't need a 250 watt heatlamp...I just use a reg. 150 or 100 watt bulb in my heatlamp...and measure my lamp placement by a thermometer reading...
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Thats a big bulb if they are in the warm house.

I only keep my new wet chicks at 95 untill they are dry.
Usually with in 12 hours they want it cooler.
Get it down to 90

Next time you are at the store Buy some regular yellow bug light bulbs.

I use 100 watt then then a 60 watt then a 40 watt over time

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I personally don't have a thermometer in with my chicks. I turn the heat up or down depending on how they act. Looks like you are paying attention to their needs as best as they can tell you so go ahead and move it up till they reach a happy medium. Do make sure though at night , if your house temps drop, that it does stay warm enough in the brooder under the light.
This hatch I have still in the house at 3 weeks old and they are down to a 60 watt bulb...

Your food and water should be away from under the can get the water too hot...
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Thank you for the advice. My brooder is 23" by 16". I think the thermometer is very accurate. They are hovering in an area that is 88 deg. I do have it indoors so now I am thinking I need to get a smaller wattage bulb and have a smaller 95 deg area and they can self regulate a bit better. I read that white light isn't good because it can promote picking and they don't sleep as well. Is this true? I sure appreciate all of this advice!
Thank you. I just happened to have a 100W bug light so that is in, looks like 91 under it and I am testing the temp on the other side right now. The chicks thank you!

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