BROODER thread! Post pics of your brooders!

With the temperature fluctuation going on in New England I am going to go buy a plug in dimmer for my heat lamp. I had raised the lamp Tuesday now they are a week old. Then the temperature dropped and the brooder got colder than I wanted it. So I had to lower the lamp again. It isn't easy. I have it hooked on chain hanging from the ceiling. In this thread someone had stated they use a dimmer to adjust the temp. It's a brilliant idea.
Cute, looks like you live in a beautiful neighborhood. I am in the country and LOVE it but if I were in a neighborhood I would wish it to look like that....
Just built my brooder with digital thermostat and temp probe, which has the fan and heating element wired to it.
I finally got around to starting the indoor brooder. A lot will be based on temperature (which can fluctuate here in Texas), but the plan is to have them inside for a week (or a couple of weeks), then into the garage, then locked in the coop.

I've ordered 25 bantams, hoping to eventually end up with around 8-12 hens. First indoor brooder is around 3'x4'. The cage in the garage is 4' x 4'. And the coop is 4' x 8'. We'll wait a few months to install the nest boxes to give them a bit more room while we're figuring out which ones to keep and which ones to get rid of.

All I've got done right now is the box. We replaced a storm door, so I saved the large piece of cardboard it came in. I then measured down 18" on each side and folded/cut to make a box. Not sure if the chicks will like their new house, but it gets kitty approval. He was very disappointed when I moved it into the spare room and shut the door.

I still need to add in some corner strips to make the corners more rounded so they don't squish one in there and also figure out my top and how I am hanging my light. I'm just going to steal one of the premier brooder lights from the goats - they seem a bit safer to me than the open metal ones. I've got a 90w red bulb purchased that I saw recommended in one thread. If that isn't enough heat, I'll just have to swipe a bulb from the goats, too. :)

Ship date should be April 30, so I still have one more full weekend before they get here to come up with the top. I've got access to plenty of wood, wire, and plastic webbing, so I think it's just a matter of figuring out exactly how I want to make it.

I buy puppy pads in bulk for a dog on a diuretic (actually they are for humans and larger in size), so that will be my base layer. Not sure if shelf liner or paper towels on top though... Considering lining it in a plastic drop cloth also... When they move out to the garage, I'll move to pine shavings and then start introducing some leaves probably.
My chicks are almost 2 weeks old now, and I decided they needed a little more space. Crazy how fast that seemingly huge dog crate started to look smaller and smaller. :p So I wired my second crate to it, removing the back panels, and while I was at it I took down the cardboard "walls" I'd had up and zip tied some deer block netting to the sides. Introducing Super Crate!

They are loving the extra space and enjoy chasing each other at top speed back and forth. Very fun to watch. :D


The crib was a $5 find at Restore. My husband questioned my sanity when I bought it last fall.

Cleaned it up (they had it stored outside) and left it in the sunshine to dry and sanitize.
Cardboard added to the two sides and on the bottom. The cut out is where the water will hang - I have a tray on the floor to catch some of the wet mess.
Taped plastic coated mess between the cardboard in the cut out area.

Chicks moved in from the small brooder - took them about 2 minutes to explore the whole area.
I am happy to report that this has worked extremely well.
The duck/water mess is going to a container under the crib (easy to dump and replace) which keeps the water mess from being in all the bedding.
Plenty of room to run around, so after this will be a transition run in the coop so the big birds can get used to these guys (will still be a few weeks - will move them when I need the "chick crib" for the next batch.
I am happy to report that this has worked extremely well.
The duck/water mess is going to a container under the crib (easy to dump and replace) which keeps the water mess from being in all the bedding.
Plenty of room to run around, so after this will be a transition run in the coop so the big birds can get used to these guys (will still be a few weeks - will move them when I need the "chick crib" for the next batch.

This is brilliant!!
Brooder #1

Brooder #2

there was an even bigger brooder #3 but I didn't get a pix of it. My Bad.

Love this one, very close to what im trying to make. I like the roof - I was just going to put a plastic lid on it but after seeing yours im thinking a plastic lid might be a bad idea.

Thank you!

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