Brooder to Run


6 Years
Oct 30, 2013
I have 10 Silkie chicks ranging from 3 weeks to approximately 6 weeks (maybe a few weeks older). I have them in a 2ft by 4ft enclosed brooder with a 250 watt red lamp on them 24-7. I have an opening at one end to allow them to go into the chicken run if the so desire. After a couple of days none have ventured out into the run. I'm wondering if I leave the heat lamp on will the chicks go outside if they get to warm? I have 4 or 5 of the chicks that still seem to small to be without the heat lamp. I am new at raising chicks so any advice you might have would be greatly appreciated.
What is the outside temp?

Try to put the light off to the side, so they can get away from it while still being in the coop. Make sure it is attached safely.

Silkies take a while to venture out.. That is my experience anyway. I had adults that never left the barn with wide open doors and everyone going out besides them for two weeks.
Thanks for your response

The temperatures right now are in the 40s and 50s during the day and the 30s and 40s at night.
I have the heat lamp pointed in one corner, so that they have the option to go where the temperature is cooler.
I keep a screened door over the opening, especially at night, but the cooler air can still come in at that end of
the brooder.

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