Broodies stealing each other's eggs?

Jan 21, 2018
Hey guys, I have a silkie hen named Olive who went broody about a week ago. About three days ago, another one of my silkie hens went broody (her name's Dover). We're wanting to let the hens hatch out some chicks, but the problem is this: Dover can't seem to decide whether she wants to sit with Olive or steal a few of Olive's eggs and sit by herself. One day she sits on stolen eggs near the middle of the coop, another day she's sitting on the same nest as Olive. This wouldn't be a problem exept that she leaves the eggs she stole without anybody to sit on them and they're already about a week into incubation. Every time she does this, I put the three or four eggs she abandoned back in the nest with Olive and Dover. The eggs are fertile and developing so it isn't like she's ditching them because they're no good. Is there something I can do to stop her from stealing and then abandoning Olive's eggs? Dover is only about a year old and I figure she doesn't really know what she's doing yet. Any thoughts?
I have a game hen who does the same thing to my ducks. She regularly kicks the ducks off their nests and then tries to hatch their eggs. She gives up after she discovers the other eggs that my other hens have laid. Im trying to figure out how to get her to quit stealing eggs as well.

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