Broodies taking in chicks

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I have 3 broodies. I gave 3, 6 week old chicks just now to a broody who is under one year, and 3, 4 week old chicks to another who is one year old both had never raised chicks, both were very willing to take the babies. my last broody, wanted the 4 week old chicks, I just don't trust her to not peck. She is 3. She is good at sitting on eggs though.
I have 3 broodies. I gave 3, 6 week old chicks just now to a broody who is under one year, and 3, 4 week old chicks to another who is one year old both had never raised chicks, both were very willing to take the babies. my last broody, wanted the 4 week old chicks, I just don't trust her to not peck. She is 3. She is good at sitting on eggs though.
I didn’t think they would accept chicks that old.
I dont understand why you would even want a broody to take chicks that old.

I'm not the OP, but I can think of a few reasons:

--broody provides warmth for the chicks, which might be needed if the weather is really cold, or if the chicks are feathering slowly

--introducing the chicks to the rest of the flock (The broody could make this easier or harder, depending on the coop setup and how the other chickens react to the chicks.)

--makes the hen quit being broody

--person enjoys seeing hen with chicks

Of course, all of those things can be accomplished in other ways too. But I don't see any problem with having the broody hen adopt older chicks, if the person wants to, and if the hen & chicks cooperate.

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