Broody Again! Excerpts from my diary...

I just looked up bogan!
Here in the North Valley they would call her... I can't say it, it's just too awful.
ETA: I love that you're watching this from Australia!
I know it's her heritage that gives Bindy her "personality."
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September 14, 2011 All's quiet in the back 40...

Things have settled in to the monotony of hurry up and wait. Eleven days remaining until our hatch day, and all we can do is prepare and try to keep the universe in balance for all of our sake. Major Studhubby was informed by the Pentagon of Yuba County that our back fence is "encroaching" on levee district land and will be moved forward approximately 15 feet and "all existing structures will be removed." We're expecting the demo team within the month and our coop is on the razz list. So... we're building a new coop to house the troops right in front of the broody pen.
Yesterday Major Studhubby and a small contingent from a neighboring platoon did a coop raising at the new location. Bindy was doing her Tazmanian Devil impersonation but would stop spinning every once in awhile to bark orders about the new chick run, or chew out one of the troops that dared to get to close to her pen. I was down inspecting the project and discussing nest box location with the Major but having a hard time hearing over all the noise. "Will you turn off that power saw?!?!?!" I screamed over the commotion. I notice his eye twitch and he says, "It isn't me, it's her." and jerks his thumb toward Bindy. Next time I'll remember ear plugs.

I'm very excited about the new barracks - will share pictures soon.

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