broody chicken


8 Years
Nov 30, 2012
I have been raising chickens for about 10 years. I'm certainly not a serious chicken farmer but I've been doing it a while and enjoy giving eggs to family and friends. Over the years I've had various situations including broody hens. This time I've got a girl that has been laying outside of the coop and I assume that she is somewhere sitting on this nest. I know that they are not fertile because I only have hens. This has been going on for nearly a week. The chickens free range during the day and at night they come home and I close them in. I know that she's still alive because I see her sometimes throughout the day coming home to eat or drink. I've looked everywhere for her new nest but I can't find it. My question is will she eventually come to her senses that these eggs will never hatch and come home?
An update on my broody girl. She had been broody outside of the coop and I couldn't find her. She came home briefly a few days ago as she had done a few times before. This time I was able to catch her. I've got her in solitary confinement [alone in a dog kennel]. How long should I leave her in there? My chickens free range during the day. I'm afraid that because I could not find her clutch she will just go back to those eggs once I release her. Please tell how long to leave her so that she forgets her new nest.

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