My BR broody has been on her clutch for a week, and so far, so good. She seems really determined, and she's eating and drinking well... for a broody. I noticed today that her comb and wattles seem to have faded from a bright red to a much more faded version. Is this something that I should be worried about, or am I just being an overactive nervous parent to be? since it's my first time dealing with a broody, I'm not sure how to tell if her behavior is amiss or get any other indications as to her health and well being... Should I be feeding her something other than layer mash? would it be a good idea to switch her over to say, grower mash or something? I wonder if her nutritional intake is causing the fading of the comb and wattles...
Chickens. Delightfully worrisome things.
Chickens. Delightfully worrisome things.