Broody drama.


Jan 24, 2021
Eastern Ontario, Canada
I’ve had had 4 hens go broody at different times this spring. The first one hatched her two adopted silkie eggs at the beginning of May. The next two hatched 6 chicks around Mid-May. They all co-parented and all was well. Then my 4th broody has been sitting on eggs for 2 weeks. One of the original mommas was killed by a fox the other night and the other two just took over. Last night the two silkie chicks snuggled in with the broody (she’s black like one of the mommas) and this morning she thinks she’s their mom and has abandoned her eggs. The other mommas are not having it and keep chasing her away, but she really believes that these 7 or so week old silkies are her newly hatched chicks. I don’t think she’s going back to her eggs that are close to hatching so I risked my life today to put them under a very mean, like scary mean, broody duck.

So many broodys! I think next year I’ll try to break them. It’s just too much.
My broody buster cage in the basement has been like a revolving door this spring...I have 10 hens, 3 of which have each gone broody 3 times already this year. A fourth just came down with the broody bug yesterday, this is Princess Leia, age 2, who has not previously been broody at all.... 7364EB2F-BBE5-4DB1-879B-944CB370A78D.jpeg
So a wire bottom cage is the recommended broody buster, put it in a cool place if that’s possible. I allow them a little log piece to rest on. Most of the broodys give it up after 3 nights, one took 4, one only took 2.
Good luck! I’ve love to see a pic of mama duck with her chicks....
My broody buster cage in the basement has been like a revolving door this spring...I have 10 hens, 3 of which have each gone broody 3 times already this year. A fourth just came down with the broody bug yesterday, this is Princess Leia, age 2, who has not previously been broody at all....View attachment 3154553
So a wire bottom cage is the recommended broody buster, put it in a cool place if that’s possible. I allow them a little log piece to rest on. Most of the broodys give it up after 3 nights, one took 4, one only took 2.
Good luck! I’ve love to see a pic of mama duck with her chicks....
Thank you for the tips. Any more go broody I’ll give it a shot. I have a duck who I thought the fox took, but she was in the pond yesterday and then disappeared again. I can only imagine how many ducklings she’ll come back with!

Here is Viper with a couple of her ducklings. She’s been very sweet, doesn’t try to bite me like the other one!

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