Broody hatch 5 days away--can I put eggs under her from the bator?


10 Years
Jun 6, 2009

My Broody is almost done setting, she is due Thursday and I have one egg that I have been incubating that I would like to have her hatch along with the others.
Is this ok? Has anyone tried this (most likely)

My concern is that the incubated egg may have lost either more or less water than the other ones under her and will not hatch if I change things up.

Or that she will reject them all.

Any help is greatly appreciated!
I just want to say I hope u luck.
If you are sure that the egg you have incubated is within a day or two of the ones she is setting it should be OK. Also your hen should be on the tamer side and not mind you messing around with her; although at this stage she can probably hear them in there and is excited herself! Terri O (PS) Why were you incubating just one egg?
Oh that is great news! Thank you.

I was incubating one special egg (but along with a mess of others) I received 8 of Jubabys Soft feathered Ameracaunas/EE(verdict is still out on that one)

I really wanted them to hatch and they are notoriously difficult to get to do so although some people have been able to.

My instincts said to use the broody and the time was right, but I didn't want to chance every one to her so I kept one out! It is developing and I know a few were of the others when I put them under her. She hasn't budged off those eggs except for short periods and I have her in the basement in a huge rubbermaid tote so I know she is warm and safe--and content.

But I would rather not have to deal with the humidity issue with this last egg. I bet she can do it better. That is why I want to put it under her with the others.

She is a banty cochin though and has 4 eggs. I am not sure if a banty can handle 5 or not.

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