broody hen and egg questions


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
I have a light brahma hen that went broody. She was originally sitting on ceramic eggs that were in the nest to remind the hens where to lay (they STILL lay wherever they please) so I removed those but she kept sitting. The other hens all jump on top of her to lay their eggs even though there are 3 nests. So I looked up for what to do for a broody and found out that a wire bottom pen will work well. I was going to build one tomorrow when my daughter came in and said she wasn't in the nest anymore, she was on the perch and her sister was in the nest box. I went out to check an hour later and she was back on the nest. So I decided to lift her out (she didn't like it but is very docile) and she is sitting on 5 eggs, they are not all hers either. I guess that's why the other hens are laying eggs on top of her! Is this normal for a hen to be given eggs by other hens to hatch? I guess I'll let them hatch, if they do, but I am just so curious as to whether this is normal for hens to do this for other hens.
I don't think they are specific'ly giving her eggs to hatch... That nest box is just the favored for some reason.

As for hatching other hens' eggs; they do it all the time. A hen will lay eggs in a nest until she's collected enough. She doesn't count, so if other hens are laying in there, she gets enough faster. Then she'll sit on them.

I've not done it, but I've read you make a cage for a broody with a low nest box and wire floor. She'll spend most of her time sitting on the eggs, but will get up occasionally to stretch, eat, and poop (through the wire floor). The also helps to keep other chickens from bothering her and the new chicks.
If you want her to hatch out, your best bet is to move her. Something like a dog crate in a safe place is good. If not, the others will keep laying when she pops up to eat each day (some do this, some dont). If the others keep sneaking eggs in after she has "set" her batch, then you can have a staggered hatch. This can sometime lead to her leaving the eggs.

Keep in mind that she might not be truely broody yet, some first timers seem to mingle with the idea bit never stay long enough to get a hatch done.

Good luck with your girl.
Broodies will also steal others' eggs. If you want her to set, you either need to separate her, or mark the eggs you want hatched, selecting eggs that are about the same age, as once they start hatching, she will soon leave the rest to raise the chicks.

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