Broody hen breaking eggs


9 Years
Jun 12, 2010
Safford, Arizona
I have one broody hen that will sit on her eggs ,at that time I didnt have fertilized eggs. I ask to get some from another friend. I put them under her. before I know it the eggs are cracked. Is she mad that I put someone else egg? I really want her to sit on them not break them!
:he Why is she doing this?
If she's sitting on warm eggs and you pull these from under her to be replaced by cold eggs she's gonna notice. Try warming the eggs slightly and switching them as soon as she leaves the nest to eat, etc. She'll just think her eggs have cooled that way.

Hope this helps.
Usually hens will sit on anything or everything/nothing.I doubt it is that she knows or cares where the eggs came from.

Did the eggs have thin shells?

I have a couple of Brahmas who have broken eggs, but that is down to their shear weight.
No the eggs does not have thin shells. Good point about cold eggs !
I just felt that she was mad that I put some more eggs under her.
I guess shes telling me "I am not taking care of somebodys else eggs !! "
Will it help if I put the eggs in when shes sleeping ? (After dark?) I dont know when she will do it again(broody)
Chickens don't get mad because they are provided eggs. Are you sure that other hens are not entering the nest in an attempt to lay there? This a frequent cause of fighting in the nest box and resultant egg cracking and breaking.
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Provide her with a separate brooding place where the others can't get at her, and I will almost bet the ranch that the breaking of eggs will cease.
Not all hens make good broodies. JG's have a hard time brooding as they are too heavy on the eggs. Also the shell of the eggs may be too thin. Candle the eggs before hand and see how porous they are. And as Sour suggested put her in a place by herself.

I wish you well,

i have a broody hen sitting on eggs now for about a week .yesterday when i went to check her i notice a broken eggs shell on the floor of her brooding place. the is no way anything broke that egg but her ,because she is isolated by her self .it seems as though the egg was no good so she got rid of sign of the yoke or anything so i'm assuming she ate it . anyone got any thought on this

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